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Past Life Exploration (PLE) is used for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. It effectively highlights the root cause of issues thereby allowing for their resolution; thus harmonizing the present and enhancing the future.
Life Between Lives (LBL) is the journey between past life and rebirth where we can access personal soul memories to awaken an understanding of your true self.

In this workshop:
We will discuss the theory of past lives & the life between your past & present lifetimes
Learn how uncovering & clearing deep-rooted issues brings clarity
Explore your past life, in-between life, future life, gain insights and heal your past by experiencing a transforming group session

Explore Your Past To Heal Your Present – Workshop Details:
Date: Thursday March 9, 2017
Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6pm)
Cost: TODAY ONLY: $25 / At the door: $35 (plus applicable taxes)
Location: 355 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M6P2K6


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