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Join Debbie Papadakis at the NGH 2018 Annual Convention Exhibition and Educational Conference in Marlborough, MA USA! (August 10-12, 2018)

The Relationship Code is a systematic combination of conflict resolution techniques using the secrets of ancient healing, and visualization, with Decording™. Debbie Papadakis has enhanced this system by incorporating the power of hypnosis, making it an even more dynamic tool for any Consulting Hypnotist. Learn how to facilitate this very simple, yet powerful system to assist clients to heal their wounded heart. Yes, you too can learn to help your client’s transform any relationship!! Debbie will guide you through a step-by-step demonstration using the techniques required to restore and renew your clients’ relationships, and heal their wounded heart by removing the blockages that hinder them.

Date: Friday August 10, 2018
Time: 11:00am
Location: Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center – Marlborough, Massachusetts
Register Online: https://ngh.net/training/2018-ngh-annual-convention/


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