Listen Up!
Debbie Papadakis and Dr. Jean Eljay will be interviewed by Elsom Eldridge for the NGH teleseminar/webinar on:
Date: Wednesday April 4, 2018
Time: 9:00 pm eastern time
Call In #: 1-425-440-5010
Conference ID: 191630#
or online
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Sleep deprivation can be the “cause and effect” of several issues.
During this teleseminar you will discover:
- Which came first the anxiety/depression or the dysfunctional sleep disorder
- Why are the “rules” of sleep hygiene so important to the non-sleeper
- How the technique was developed
- What exactly is a sleepy time mini-regression
- How does the mini-regression work
- How to improve your client’s Sleep issues
- How integrating hypnosis with other techniques will bring great results
- How to work effectively with people who have insomnia
- What is the best approach to working with circadian rhythm problems
- What techniques solve in combination with hypnosis get to the root problem causing the insomnia
We would love to have you join us on the Teleseminar!