PRICE: $25 + HST
AT DOOR: $35 + HST
Past Life Exploration Workshop
PAST LIFE EXPLORATION is based on the premise that experiencing and healing the past enriches the present.
Past Life Exploration (PLE) is a technique used for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. It effectively highlights the root cause of issues thereby allowing for their resolution thus harmonizing the present and enhancing the future.
This workshop will allow you to heal your past through Past Life Exploration using the power of your mind thus empowering you in the present.
This experiential workshop is divided into three segments:
- Understand the theory of Past Life Exploration
- Observe a powerful demo using a volunteer to see how this technique can uncover & clear deep-rooted issues.
- Experience a transforming group PLE session
Facilitator: Debbie Papadakis, BCH, CI
Date: Sun., Nov 24, 2013
Time: 1:00pm—3:30pm
Pre-registration: $25 + HST
At the door: $35 + HST
Proceeds from this workshop will be donated to a local charity.
Please note: this workshop will be filmed, digitally recorded and photographed. By attending this workshop you agree to the above.