Dear Friends,
Yesterday I was at the NGH Conference in Marlborough, Massachusetts, teaching a one-day workshop on insomnia with Dr. Jean Eljay from HypnoBiosis. I’ve specialized in insomnia for many years now, and for good reason: as many as 85 million North Americans are affected by sleep disorders, with insomnia first among them. In this time I’ve worked out a few theories of my own for how to heal insomnia.
First of all, though, why do people suffer from insomnia? While I have seen many people simply not sleeping because of poor sleeping habits, the foremost reason is not physical but emotional: something within them is preventing them from relaxing and falling into repose. They may not be consciously aware of it but it is working deep beneath the surface. Usually it is fear, but it really can be anything: anger, anxiety, or any other emotion that pushes people into an alert, defensive stance. Traumatic experiences are especially good at keeping us up at night – even if we don’t remember them.
No one should have to live with this. What I do – and what I teach my students to do is clear the problems at the heart of insomnia. I help people make peace with their parents, siblings, and loved ones so that they can sleep soundly and without worries. I help people let go of their fears and traumas so that nothing stands between them and a good night’s rest.
The effects are immediate and transformative. When someone sleeps for a healthy amount of time, they have more energy but also feel better about themselves, the people around them, and their work. They are more productive, happier, and instantly healthier. Sleep really is the best medicine!
The next time you have trouble falling asleep, take a moment to think about how you feel. It could be more important than you think.
All the best,
Debbie Papadakis